The Secrets of Eye-Catching Pinterest Design for Online Promotion

The Secrets of Eye-Catching Pinterest Design for Online Promotion

Hey there, fellow Pinners and visual content creators! If you’re diving into the vibrant world of Pinterest to promote your brand or personal projects, stick around. We’re about to embark on a whimsical journey through the land of Pinterest design principles, where aesthetics meets algorithm in a whimsical dance of pixels and SEO.

brown conch shell on right human palm

The Art of Legible Text in a Sea of Pins

First and foremost, let’s talk text. It’s the silent shout that stops the scroll, the bold statement amidst a mosaic of ideas. In the bustling bazaar of Pinterest, your text needs to cut through the clutter like a hot knife through butter. Why? Because your audience is zipping by at the speed of thumb-scrolls, and your content needs to be digestible in a split-second glance.

Whether they’re squinting at a smartphone with a duo of columns or lounging with a laptop laden with a six-column spread, clarity is king. Plus, here’s a juicy tidbit: Pinterest’s all-seeing eyes can read that crisp text, giving your SEO a hearty high-five as it boosts your pin in the algorithmic arena. So, choose your fonts wisely, make them bold, make them beautiful, but most importantly, make them readable.

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Clarity and Creativity: The Dynamic Duo for Pinterest Design

Next up, let’s chat about imagery. Clear, high-quality images are your golden tickets to the Pinterest hall of fame. But before you start snapping photos or designing graphics willy-nilly, why not play detective? Launch a reconnaissance mission with your keywords, and see what the competition is serving up. You’ll find a smorgasbord of styles, but here’s where you get sneaky – you either blend in with a twist or go rogue and stand out.

Consider this: test both approaches. Some pins will resonate with the masses while others will beckon the bold. The point is, play with regular design principles like balance and alignment, but do so with a dash of panache. Centered, neat, and tidy wins the race, but don’t be afraid to dance on the edge of the avant-garde. Just remember, chaos may intrigue, but harmony endears.

woman standing surrounded by pink flowers

The Pinterest Palette and Proportions: Pink, Verticals, and the 2:3 Ratio

Now, let’s whisper a little secret – Pinterest has a crush on pink. But don’t let that limit your chromatic choices! The rainbow is your oyster, and creativity is your pearl. When it comes to design, there’s no one-size-fits-all. Yet, if you’re aiming for a slam dunk in the Pinterest design department, the 2:3 ratio is your playbook. It’s like the golden ratio’s cousin, twice removed, on the artsy side of the family.

But, as with all things in life and design, rules are meant to be experimented with. So, while you aim for that perfect vertical, let your imagination run wild within the confines of that digital canvas. Make your text sing, your images pop, and above all, have a blast. Because when you’re having fun, your audience can’t help but join in.

In conclusion, as you venture forth into the realm of Pinterest promotion, arm yourself with legible text, clear images, and a spirit of experimentation. Embrace Pinterest design guidelines, but don’t be shackled by them. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to create pins that not only catch the eye but capture the heart and imagination of every scroller-by. Now go forth and pin with purpose!

Hire Katie Hart as a Pinterest manager

Using Pinterest to Grow Your Email List

Using Pinterest to Grow Your Email List

Welcome to the colorful and creative world of Pinterest, a place where inspiration blooms and ideas flourish. But beyond its compelling images and DIY projects, Pinterest holds a treasure trove of opportunities for savvy marketers and content creators like you. Today, let’s dive into how this visual platform can become a powerhouse for growing your email list – turning pins into sign-ups and browsers into subscribers!

aerial photography of concrete roads

The Traffic-Generating Powerhouse

Pinterest isn’t just about pretty pictures; it’s a robust traffic-generating platform that can funnel a stream of visitors to your digital doorstep. Imagine each pin as a beacon, drawing in users by the droves, guided by their interests and searches. To harness this potential, your mission is clear: capture their curiosity and guide them from a pin to your site. Here’s where the magic happens – as they land on your pages, you’re presented with a prime opportunity to transform this traffic into a growing email list.

But how do you make that leap? It’s all about providing value that’s too tantalizing to ignore. Entice them with a compelling reason to join your email community. Remember, this isn’t about a hard sell; it’s about extending an invitation to a journey they can’t resist.

woman standing on street

Warming Up the Cold Crowds

Despite its potential, Pinterest traffic can be as cold as a winter’s day. Most users won’t know you, and their first encounter with your content is akin to a digital handshake. That’s why your Pinterest SEO game must be impeccable. Pinpoint accuracy in your keywords ensures that your pins surface in searches by individuals who are genuinely seeking insights or solutions related to your expertise.

But getting them to your site is only half the battle. Now, you need to kindle the spark of interest into a flame. How? By offering a lead magnet that resonates deeply with their current quest for knowledge. Think of it as offering a warm cup of tea to a traveler from the cold – it’s comforting, inviting, and, most importantly, personalized.

One strategy I advocate for is the quiz. It’s not just a fun distraction; it’s a high-converting tool that can quickly turn a cold visitor warm. A well-crafted quiz not only engages but also paves the way for a more personalized follow-up via email – exactly what you need to win over a subscriber.

Pinpoint Precision with Lead Magnets

The key to unlocking an email subscription lies in the relevance and precision of your lead magnet. Generic freebies won’t cut it; your offering must align seamlessly with the content that drew them in. If your pin leads to a specific article, your lead magnet should feel like a natural extension of that article – think content upgrades, checklists, or exclusive insights.

And while quizzes are my go-to, don’t shy away from experimenting with different types of lead magnets. The goal is to provide something so valuable and tailored that the thought of not signing up feels like a missed opportunity. That’s how you convert a passerby into a subscriber, and a subscriber into a loyal fan.

Let’s not forget, the traffic from Pinterest is not only substantial; it’s motivated. These are individuals on a mission, looking for answers, tips, and inspiration. With the right approach, you can channel this motivation into a thriving email list, teeming with individuals eager to hear more from you.

Final Thoughts

Remember, growing your email list with Pinterest is a dance of attraction and value. It requires understanding the platform’s unique dynamics, respecting your audience’s initial detachment, and presenting irresistible incentives. But with the right strategy, Pinterest is more than just an inspiration board – it’s a powerful list-building tool that can elevate your digital presence and forge lasting connections with your audience.

It can be a lot to take on if you’re already running everything else in your business. That’s why I specialize in helping entrepreneurs use Pinterest to grow their traffic, sales, and email lists. If you’re considering outsourcing your Pinterest, you can take my quiz to find out if now is the right time, or check out my services directly!

Unlocking the Power of Quiz Funnels in Your Business Strategy

Unlocking the Power of Quiz Funnels in Your Business Strategy

Welcome to our deep dive into the world of quiz funnel strategies—an innovative approach to engaging customers and enhancing your business’s marketing efforts. If you’ve been looking for a fresh way to spice up your sales funnel, you’re in the right place. So, grab a cup of your favorite beverage, and let’s explore the exciting possibilities that quizzes can bring to your business landscape.

What Exactly is a Quiz Funnel Strategy?

At its core, a quiz funnel strategy is the integration of quizzes into the heart of your business operations. It’s not just about adding a dash of fun to your website; it’s about creating a meaningful connection between your quiz and the other critical components of your business. Think of it as a jigsaw puzzle where every piece needs to fit perfectly to reveal the bigger picture.

Too often, businesses toss in a quiz as a mere afterthought, a simple gimmick to momentarily engage visitors. However, this approach misses the mark. When strategically placed in your sales funnel, a quiz becomes a powerful tool that can boost conversions, deepen customer relationships, and showcase your expertise.

Imagine a quiz that not only entertains but also educates your audience about your products or services. It becomes a bridge that connects potential customers to your brand, making them feel understood and valued.

Enhancing Your Sales Funnel with Quizzes

If you already have a sales funnel in place, incorporating a quiz can significantly enhance its performance. Here’s how:

  • Increased Conversions: A well-crafted quiz can guide prospects through your funnel more effectively, leading to higher conversion rates.
  • Brand Connection: Quizzes can personalize the user experience, helping customers to connect with the person or team behind the business.
  • Expertise Showcasing: Use quizzes to demonstrate your knowledge and position yourself as an authority in your niche.

By focusing on educational content, segmenting your audience, and offering a degree of customization, your quiz can become an integral part of your business model. It’s about turning that “fun quiz” into a strategic asset that contributes to list growth and the sale of entry-level products, often referred to as “tripwire” products.

Varieties of Quiz Funnel Strategies

When it comes to tailoring your quiz funnel strategy, you have options. Let’s look at a couple of common approaches:

  • Pseudo Customization: This method involves guiding participants through different quiz outcomes that ultimately funnel into the same sales process. It’s a smart way to offer a personalized experience without the need for extensive customization.
  • Actual Customization: For a more tailored approach, this strategy directs participants to products they’re most likely to purchase based on their quiz answers. It requires a deeper understanding of your customer base and more intricate funnel design but can lead to impressive conversion rates.

Whichever route you choose, the key is to ensure that your quiz is more than just a diversion; it should be a stepping stone that leads customers closer to a purchase decision. By leveraging the insights gained from quiz interactions, you can fine-tune your marketing efforts and create a more effective sales funnel that resonates with your audience.

In conclusion, a quiz funnel strategy has the potential to transform a standard sales process into an engaging, dynamic journey for your prospects. It’s not just about having fun—though that’s certainly a bonus—it’s about strategically guiding your audience toward an outcome that benefits both them and your business. So why not start crafting your own quiz today and watch as it becomes a vital and profitable component of your business strategy?

If you’d like to create your own quiz but aren’t sure where to begin, check out my quiz, “What Kind of Quiz Should You Create for Your Business?” to get started! Happy quizzing!

The Power of Customized Quiz Funnels for Online Entrepreneurs

The Power of Customized Quiz Funnels for Online Entrepreneurs

Hello and welcome to the world of online entrepreneurship, where innovation and customization are key to standing out in a bustling digital marketplace. Today, we’re diving into the dynamic and adaptable strategy of using quiz funnels to not only enhance customer engagement but also to streamline your sales process. So, sit back, relax, and let’s explore the possibilities together.

Matching Quiz Funnels to Your Business Model

Can a quiz funnel strategy be tailored to fit different types of businesses owned by online entrepreneurs? The answer is a resounding yes! The beauty of quiz funnels lies in their versatility. They can be meticulously crafted to align with your unique business needs and goals. Whether you’re running a service-based enterprise or selling an array of products, quizzes offer a personalized touch to your marketing efforts.

Imagine you’re in the business of providing expert services that often require a preliminary consultation. By integrating a quiz before the booking stage, you can ensure that only the most qualified leads reach out for a call. This efficient filtering process considers various factors such as budget, experience level, or specific client needs. It’s a strategic way to focus your time and resources on potential clients who are more likely to convert.

Guiding Prospects to the Right Products and Services

But what if your business doesn’t rely on sales calls? No problem! Quiz funnels are remarkably adaptable. For those with a diverse range of offerings, quizzes can act as a digital concierge, guiding customers to the products or services that best match their responses. By including several carefully selected items in the quiz outcomes, you’re essentially providing a tailored shopping experience that can lead to increased customer satisfaction and sales.

Conversely, if you have a flagship product or a primary offering, your quiz can still play a significant role. Design your quiz to highlight the key features and benefits of your main item, while still offering a sense of personalization. This approach ensures that all roads lead back to your star product, but with the added value of making each customer feel seen and understood.

Streamlining Operations and Maximizing Efficiency

Business efficiency is paramount, especially when resources are limited. For online entrepreneurs looking to optimize their time, custom quiz funnels can be a game-changer. By directing less-qualified leads away from premium services and towards self-help options like courses or masterclasses, you’re not only saving time but also nurturing potential customers for future upsells. It’s a strategic move that can pay off in both the short and long term.

Moreover, by segmenting your audience through their quiz responses, you can tailor your follow-up marketing efforts. This targeted approach ensures that each lead receives content and offers that resonate with their specific interests, increasing the likelihood of conversion and fostering stronger customer relationships.

In conclusion, quiz funnels are not only a fun and interactive way to engage with your audience, but they’re also a powerful tool for business customization and efficiency. As an online entrepreneur, embracing the flexibility of quiz funnels can lead to better lead qualification, more personalized customer journeys, and ultimately, a more successful business.

Want to get started with your own quiz funnel? I can help you make that happen! Just fill out the interest form for my quiz creation services, and I’ll get in touch.

I can’t wait to see how quiz funnels transform your online enterprise!

The Work Online and Travel the World Course – Bucketlist Bombshells Review

The Work Online and Travel the World Course – Bucketlist Bombshells Review

The Work Online and Travel the World Course – Bucketlist Bombshells Review

I currently have the freedom to work from anywhere in the world (with wifi!), whether I’m wandering cobblestone streets in Europe or confined to my house due to a global pandemic. But I wouldn’t have this freedom if it wasn’t for the Bucketlist Bombshells.

I first discovered Cassie and Shay, founders of The Bucketlist Bombshells (a life-transforming online education company), back in 2017. I signed up for their Design Skills (which I’ve reviewed on this blog in the past) and Tech Skills courses, followed by their main course, the Work Online and Travel the World Course.

Affectionately dubbed the WTC, this course does what it says on the tin – it helps you build an online business and then take that business anywhere you want to in the world! Many “work from home” opportunities are just that – locked to your location by product inventory or in-person clients.

Now, more than ever, it’s important to build a business with a little more freedom than that. If suppliers dry up and you can’t reach your clients in person, will your business still thrive? Cassie and Shay show you exactly how to build a business that is truly online so you can grow as the world changes.

This isn’t some instant business scheme. Right in the introductory module of the WTC, Cassie and Shay recommend that you set aside at least 3 hours a week to start building your business with a strong foundation.

Each of the modules contains video lessons and worksheets, as well as links to additional resources.

Module 1 – Defining Your Online Skills

This module mirrors the Bucketlist Bombshells’ free workshop (which you can check out here!), with helping you blend soft skills and hard skills to figure out which type of business is right for you. I am a huge fan of personality typology, so I love that they use Myers-Briggs to help students identify their soft skills.

Module 2 – Rock the Freelancing World

Take the first steps to build your skills and grow your experience with online freelancing sites. While I didn’t use this strategy, it’s helpful if you’re feeling a bit apprehensive about getting paid for your services. It also offers tips you can use outside of these freelancing sites.

Module 3 – Build & Launch Your Online Business

This module moves away from working for rates others determine to setting your own rates – with lots of help and advice! From researching competitors’ rates and finding out the cost of living in destinations both local and global, to using the calculator they provide to analyze your lifestyle and needs so you can know your rates will provide enough to live on (and not be surprised by business expenses and taxes along the way). There are also videos to help with two key aspects of signing clients – one lesson on deliverables and client expectations, and another on landing clients via video calls.

Module 4 – Find, Network & Land Clients

This is one of the meatiest modules in the entire course. Not only do you learn how to to set up your packages, Cassie and Shay walk you through everything you need to include on your website, and then offer an hour-long tutorial to get everything set up on Squarespace! On top of that, they show you how to start finding clients outside of freelancer sites, sharing the insider tips they used to build their own businesses.

Module 5 – Running & Rockin’ Your Online Biz

Setting up smooth processes is absolutely key to wowing your clients and growing your business (without going insane trying to remember everything)! Cassie and Shay walk you through SIX of their favorite programs to keep things organized, as well as outlining a workflow and a finance sheet (complete with tutorial) to track everything.

To be honest, I already owned or subscribed to different software than the ones taught within this module, so it wasn’t as useful for me. Also, many of these programs have their own video tutorials, which are keep more up-to-date. The biggest benefits of this module are that it helps you to figure out the types of programs your business needs (a way to send proposals, a way to schedule calls, etc.) and gives you tips on how to use these programs for your specific business (what features are important, what can you ignore for now).

Also, while the finance sheet will help you get a great overview of your business and its money, you’re going to want to invest in some other sort of accounting software soon after you get a client or two under your belt (or before).

Module 6 – Run Your Biz & Jet Set Around the World

Finally we get to the Travel the World part of the WTC! This is where the course differs radically from many other “start an online business” courses and programs. This module is full of practical advice like choosing where to go, how to book accommodations in your new place, how long to stay in one area, and more! They also keep you on track with your business during this transition – remember, you’re not on vacation here!

One of the main points of this module is moving somewhere with a low cost of living, so that you don’t have to worry about bringing in as much money while your business is still growing. Also, it’s up to you how soon you want to jump into the travel part of this after you start your business.

My situation was different. I have little desire to live in many of the locations they suggest (which are often in hot climates – I prefer 60F/15C weather!) and wanted to explore Europe more instead. While some countries in Europe are lower cost than others (generally warmer spots too), it still would be a big investment, as I was also planning to keep a shared apartment back in the US so I could spend some months of the year near my family.

Instead, I found a different option to make my specific travel dreams come true – house sitting! I have a whole post about it here. I’m watching people’s homes and pets (usually cats) while they travel. My sits can last anywhere from 4 days to 2 months, and I’ve stayed in England, Scotland, Ireland, Germany, and the US this way.


The Work Online and Travel the World Course includes a number of bonuses (more if you pay in full), but the best ones are included for all students – the student Facebook group and monthly live masterminds!

In my opinion, these outweigh the value of the course itself. Wherever you are in your business, it’s amazing getting personalized advice any time you have an issue! You can post within the group to get tips from other students, alumni, and community managers. This is great when you have more simple questions or those that could use a quick response. But the mastermind sessions are amazing when you have a more complicated or in-depth question about key parts of your business and life as an entrepreneur.

There are also literally dozens of past sessions full of helpful advice! And if you’re not able to make the live masterminds (which are generally at 5pm Pacific/8pm Eastern – so 1am or later when I’m in Europe), you can submit questions ahead of time and watch the replays.


I highly recommend signing up for the Work Online and Travel the World Course from the Bucketlist Bombshells if you want to start an online business! This course will take your from idea to packing your bags! However, there are some people who won’t benefit from this course as much as others.

  1. If your business is already established. This course is aimed at beginners, and while you may greatly benefit from the monthly masterminds, the bulk of the course is about setting things up in your business.
  2. If you’re looking to market products, courses, or coaching services. The focus is on setting up a business model for virtual assistant, design, web design, social media management, and similar services.
  3. If your focus is on being an influencer or blogger. If you want to make money with paid sponsorships or ads, this course won’t help you with that.

But this course is for you if you want to use the skills you already have to start getting paid by clients, if you’re willing to put in the work, and if you want a framework to follow to build a solid business!

If you have any questions about the WTC, leave me a comment and I’ll answer!

Disclaimer: I received compensation for this review, however, my opinions are my own and I had already purchased and benefited from this course years prior.