Quizzes aren’t just a fun distraction; they’re powerful tools for engagement, lead generation, and business growth. If you’ve been contemplating leveraging this interactive medium for your business, you’re in the right place. And you don’t need to do it yourself! Let’s dive into the process of hiring Create Wherever to transform your ideas into a dynamic quiz that captivates your audience.

Katie Hart of Create Wherever

Getting Started with Create Wherever

Embarking on your quiz-building adventure begins with a simple step: expressing your interest. When you reach out to me, Katie Hart, and my company, Create Wherever, you’ll be directed to a page brimming with information about my quiz-building services. There, you’ll find links that usher you to an interest form. This form is your first beacon, guiding you to indicate which package sparks your curiosity or if you’re simply on a quest for more information about the art of quiz creation.

Filling out this form is akin to opening a door to a realm of possibilities. Whether you’re zeroing in on a specific package or thirsting for more knowledge, I will be at the other end, ready to respond by email. Our conversation can flourish through email exchanges, or, if you prefer, we can arrange a quick call. This is your opportunity to share your vision for the quiz, discuss its potential impact on your business, and ask any burning questions you may have. Together, we’ll explore how I can assist in bringing your quiz to life.

Katie Hart of Create Wherever

Sealing the Deal: Contracts and Creative Brainstorming

Once our dialogue has blossomed and you’ve decided that Create Wherever is your chosen ally, the next chapter begins. I will send over a contract reflecting our agreed terms, including any of our standard packages or bespoke customization options you’ve opted for. You’ll review and sign the contract, and I’ll send over the invoice. With quiz building, we operate on a pay-upfront model to ensure a smooth and efficient process.

With the formalities out of the way, it’s time for the most exhilarating part—the quiz building call. This isn’t just any call; it’s a creative tempest where your ideas and my expertise merge. This brainstorming session can span from thirty minutes to two hours, during which we dissect every facet of your quiz. Before this call, you’re encouraged to send over any resources and information about your business. This preparation allows me to delve deep into your world, ensuring the quiz we craft is a perfect reflection of your brand.

During this pivotal conversation, we’ll pinpoint the quiz subject, concoct an enticing title, and determine the outcome results. We’ll also strategize how the quiz will integrate into your sales funnel, leading participants towards your end goal—be it a purchase, sign-up, or another desired action. This call is the cornerstone of the process, setting the stage for a quiz that not only engages but converts.

The Building Blocks: Crafting Your Custom Quiz

Post-brainstorming, you’ll grant me access to your preferred quiz platform, and the construction of your quiz commences. Rest assured, you’ll be in the loop throughout, with the option to establish a Slack channel for ongoing discussions or to stay connected via email. My role is to build your quiz, but the level of your involvement is entirely up to your discretion. You can be as hands-on or hands-off as you wish, beyond the initial call.

Once the quiz takes shape, you’ll have the opportunity to review and request revisions. Your input is invaluable, ensuring the final product resonates with your brand and audience. Together, we’ll fine-tune the quiz, engage beta testers if available, and confirm that the results are accurate and insightful. It’s a collaborative effort aimed at perfection.

And there you have it. The quiz is ready to enchant your audience. But our journey doesn’t end there. I remain at your service for any follow-up questions, tweaks, or additional assets you might need, like downloadable freebies, quiz result pages, or tripwire sales pages. Some of these may involve additional fees, but my commitment to your success is unwavering.

Building a quiz with Create Wherever is more than a transaction; it’s a partnership. It’s a process steeped in creativity, collaboration, and a shared vision for success. If you’re ready to embark on this adventure and harness the power of quizzes for your business, reach out. I’m here, ready to transform your ideas into interactive experiences that captivate and convert.

Wishing you all the best on your journey to growth and engagement. Until next time!

Hire me to build your quiz!