Unlocking the Power of Quiz Funnels in Your Business Strategy

Unlocking the Power of Quiz Funnels in Your Business Strategy

Welcome to our deep dive into the world of quiz funnel strategies—an innovative approach to engaging customers and enhancing your business’s marketing efforts. If you’ve been looking for a fresh way to spice up your sales funnel, you’re in the right place. So, grab a cup of your favorite beverage, and let’s explore the exciting possibilities that quizzes can bring to your business landscape.

What Exactly is a Quiz Funnel Strategy?

At its core, a quiz funnel strategy is the integration of quizzes into the heart of your business operations. It’s not just about adding a dash of fun to your website; it’s about creating a meaningful connection between your quiz and the other critical components of your business. Think of it as a jigsaw puzzle where every piece needs to fit perfectly to reveal the bigger picture.

Too often, businesses toss in a quiz as a mere afterthought, a simple gimmick to momentarily engage visitors. However, this approach misses the mark. When strategically placed in your sales funnel, a quiz becomes a powerful tool that can boost conversions, deepen customer relationships, and showcase your expertise.

Imagine a quiz that not only entertains but also educates your audience about your products or services. It becomes a bridge that connects potential customers to your brand, making them feel understood and valued.

Enhancing Your Sales Funnel with Quizzes

If you already have a sales funnel in place, incorporating a quiz can significantly enhance its performance. Here’s how:

  • Increased Conversions: A well-crafted quiz can guide prospects through your funnel more effectively, leading to higher conversion rates.
  • Brand Connection: Quizzes can personalize the user experience, helping customers to connect with the person or team behind the business.
  • Expertise Showcasing: Use quizzes to demonstrate your knowledge and position yourself as an authority in your niche.

By focusing on educational content, segmenting your audience, and offering a degree of customization, your quiz can become an integral part of your business model. It’s about turning that “fun quiz” into a strategic asset that contributes to list growth and the sale of entry-level products, often referred to as “tripwire” products.

Varieties of Quiz Funnel Strategies

When it comes to tailoring your quiz funnel strategy, you have options. Let’s look at a couple of common approaches:

  • Pseudo Customization: This method involves guiding participants through different quiz outcomes that ultimately funnel into the same sales process. It’s a smart way to offer a personalized experience without the need for extensive customization.
  • Actual Customization: For a more tailored approach, this strategy directs participants to products they’re most likely to purchase based on their quiz answers. It requires a deeper understanding of your customer base and more intricate funnel design but can lead to impressive conversion rates.

Whichever route you choose, the key is to ensure that your quiz is more than just a diversion; it should be a stepping stone that leads customers closer to a purchase decision. By leveraging the insights gained from quiz interactions, you can fine-tune your marketing efforts and create a more effective sales funnel that resonates with your audience.

In conclusion, a quiz funnel strategy has the potential to transform a standard sales process into an engaging, dynamic journey for your prospects. It’s not just about having fun—though that’s certainly a bonus—it’s about strategically guiding your audience toward an outcome that benefits both them and your business. So why not start crafting your own quiz today and watch as it becomes a vital and profitable component of your business strategy?

If you’d like to create your own quiz but aren’t sure where to begin, check out my quiz, “What Kind of Quiz Should You Create for Your Business?” to get started! Happy quizzing!

The Power of Customized Quiz Funnels for Online Entrepreneurs

The Power of Customized Quiz Funnels for Online Entrepreneurs

Hello and welcome to the world of online entrepreneurship, where innovation and customization are key to standing out in a bustling digital marketplace. Today, we’re diving into the dynamic and adaptable strategy of using quiz funnels to not only enhance customer engagement but also to streamline your sales process. So, sit back, relax, and let’s explore the possibilities together.

Matching Quiz Funnels to Your Business Model

Can a quiz funnel strategy be tailored to fit different types of businesses owned by online entrepreneurs? The answer is a resounding yes! The beauty of quiz funnels lies in their versatility. They can be meticulously crafted to align with your unique business needs and goals. Whether you’re running a service-based enterprise or selling an array of products, quizzes offer a personalized touch to your marketing efforts.

Imagine you’re in the business of providing expert services that often require a preliminary consultation. By integrating a quiz before the booking stage, you can ensure that only the most qualified leads reach out for a call. This efficient filtering process considers various factors such as budget, experience level, or specific client needs. It’s a strategic way to focus your time and resources on potential clients who are more likely to convert.

Guiding Prospects to the Right Products and Services

But what if your business doesn’t rely on sales calls? No problem! Quiz funnels are remarkably adaptable. For those with a diverse range of offerings, quizzes can act as a digital concierge, guiding customers to the products or services that best match their responses. By including several carefully selected items in the quiz outcomes, you’re essentially providing a tailored shopping experience that can lead to increased customer satisfaction and sales.

Conversely, if you have a flagship product or a primary offering, your quiz can still play a significant role. Design your quiz to highlight the key features and benefits of your main item, while still offering a sense of personalization. This approach ensures that all roads lead back to your star product, but with the added value of making each customer feel seen and understood.

Streamlining Operations and Maximizing Efficiency

Business efficiency is paramount, especially when resources are limited. For online entrepreneurs looking to optimize their time, custom quiz funnels can be a game-changer. By directing less-qualified leads away from premium services and towards self-help options like courses or masterclasses, you’re not only saving time but also nurturing potential customers for future upsells. It’s a strategic move that can pay off in both the short and long term.

Moreover, by segmenting your audience through their quiz responses, you can tailor your follow-up marketing efforts. This targeted approach ensures that each lead receives content and offers that resonate with their specific interests, increasing the likelihood of conversion and fostering stronger customer relationships.

In conclusion, quiz funnels are not only a fun and interactive way to engage with your audience, but they’re also a powerful tool for business customization and efficiency. As an online entrepreneur, embracing the flexibility of quiz funnels can lead to better lead qualification, more personalized customer journeys, and ultimately, a more successful business.

Want to get started with your own quiz funnel? I can help you make that happen! Just fill out the interest form for my quiz creation services, and I’ll get in touch.

I can’t wait to see how quiz funnels transform your online enterprise!

My Experience Building a Quiz with Interact

My Experience Building a Quiz with Interact

My Experience Building a Quiz with Interact

This post contains affiliate links, which means I may get a small commission to fund my travels if you choose to purchase anything. I’m only an affiliate for products and services I’ve tried and loved, and will always be completely honest about any drawbacks or issues I find!

Are you as addicted to quizzes as I am? Whether I’m figuring out which Disney princess I am (Belle, duh) or evaluating my business knowledge and preferences, I love finding out more about myself.

So when Interact offered me an opportunity to try out their quiz-building platform, I jumped in right away! Who wouldn’t want an inside look at how quizzes work? (Well, I suppose some people won’t care, but I’m a complete geek about stuff like that!)

Starting with Interact

I started with a video walk-through of Interact’s site, and I was immediately impressed. Not only is everything clean and professional, but they have so many integrations and options available for businesses and bloggers to use for lead generation. When you combine the viral possibilities of a great quiz with in-depth data gathering, it’s clear that Interact can be a game changer for marketing.

And with clients like the World Wildlife Fund, The Home Depot, and Greenpeace, Interact plays in the big leagues. But small and medium-sized businesses are not forgotten. One of my favorite tech education sites, Skillcrush (a connection I discovered by happy accident), uses their platform to gain 10,000 subscribers annually, and Interact’s Lite Plan is robust and affordable enough for almost any solopreneur or start-up.

Quizzes can be dead simple or extremely complex. Interact has a library of more than 100 pre-built quizzes in many niches that you can use as is, or customize to suit your business. I started out by choosing one of these templates and examining exactly how all the different parts worked together. The most popular type of quiz is the personality quiz, where choices/answers lead directly to specific result options, but they also offer assessment and scored quizzes. After a few minutes poking around the pre-built quiz, I felt confident that I could create a custom quiz on their platform!

Building My First Quiz

I started with a fairly simple concept for the quiz. As a Pinterest manager, I have potential clients wondering if hiring me is right for their business. And to be honest, many times it’s not the right step for a business to take just yet. If they have no way to convert the traffic Pinterest brings, have no content to promote, or have more time than money to invest in their business, it may be better for them to wait. But for businesses that are ready, this quiz would provide reassurance that a Pinterest manager can help grow their reach, and it would also educate them about some of facets of Pinterest management (design, scheduling, A/B testing). And like some of my inquiry forms, this quiz would give me information about where they stand, to be better prepared for client calls.

Two vital techniques helped me create my quiz easily: 1. Start with the results, not the questions. 2. Draft your questions and the answers they relate to before you start building in Interact. I used Google Sheets to draft my quiz, putting the results along the top as columns and the questions along the side as rows. I learned from the demo and sample quiz that each answer can lead to more than one result, and multiple answers. So I repeated answers a few times in the columns when they would lead to more than one result, and fit two answers in one cell under one result if needed. You may want to grab a sheet of paper to draft if your quiz is threatening to get unwieldy in a spreadsheet.

Interact recommends 5-10 questions for quizzes, with 7 being the sweet spot for people finishing quizzes and getting accurate results. I ended up with 8 for mine.

Putting the Quiz into Interact

Since I had everything ready, creating the quiz in Interact involved mostly cutting and pasting what I’d already written into the platform. I reworded and expanded things as I added them, and even added a few answer options. While drafting was very helpful for getting organized, it was a little tedious entering more than 30 different answers into the quiz – but I do believe that extra step created a more refined result in the end. As I get more familiar with Interact, I believe my drafts will be a little more rough/conceptual before I move them to Interact’s platform.

Also, while my quiz is text-based, you can also use image answers! CC0 stock images from Pixabay are integrated right into the quiz builder, and you can upload your own images as well (there is 2MB limit per image, so you may need to resize first). I did include photos for the cover/intro of the quiz and each of my results, and I highly recommend you do the same, at a minimum. You can also add images to each of the questions.

I added the results first, then put in the questions one at a time, with their answers. I clicked the “Edit Results Correlations” in each question/answer page to match up the answers to the results, which was super easy!

Branding the Quiz

I chose my brand colors and the Google font I use on my site to make the quiz look like it belonged. I also was able to add my logo/favicon, but I was a little disappointed at limited options related to the logo. I also added my photos at this point in the quiz creation.

Quiz Integration

This was probably my least favorite part of setting up my quiz – but it’s mostly because Interact has so many possibilities and I wanted to do it right. Also, connecting to an email service is inherently a lot less fun than dreaming up a quiz! I really love that you have so many options with Interact’s platform – customizing calls to action for each result (which you can do when you create your result options, but I ended up going back and editing them at this point, once I had a clearer picture of where I wanted them to lead).

You can force quiz takers to give their email address before they get their results, but Interact recommends that you offer a subtle “skip this step” option as well.

Interact offers a number of different ways to incorporate the quiz on your website, complete with a WordPress plugin. However, I had several issues with trying to set up an announcement bar for the quiz. First, the color picker was extremely buggy, and I had a hard time adding my color hex codes, as most times I clicked on the popup it would disappear. I also wondered why it hadn’t carried over my brand colors from the quiz. Sure, I might want to switch them around, but it would save a few steps. You can’t change anything but the colors and the text – no font, sizing, button shape/shadow, etc. options.

You also can’t build more than one announcement bar option for each quiz. So with wanting to promote my quiz both here on Create Wherever and on my Quite Katie site, I was faced with a dilemma – which branding should I use for the announcement bar? The navy, light blue, and bright pink of Create Wherever would clash with the peach, teal, and burgundy of Quite Katie. But that was rendered moot by the next issue I faced.

Interact’s announcement bar covers fixed headers. Instead of sitting nicely above all your content like hello/announcement bars are supposed to do, it clumsily overlaps your vital navigation. When my announcement bar didn’t look nice with either of the two options they offered for placement, I researched the issue, and all their help files had was “oh, your site must have a fixed header” – no options for solutions. I reached out to them regarding this, but haven’t heard back.

Since my Quite Katie site has the navigation underneath the main header image on the home page, I was able to incorporated the bar properly on that page of the site only. I changed the branding to match that site, and it was good to go! But I still wanted to have the announcement bar integration here on Create Wherever. I tried searching for Interact and Divi (my site’s parent theme), but came up empty. I then began to look outside of Interact integrations and see how others had included hello bars with Divi. I found a fairly expensive plugin and a free Divi announcement bar generator. The generator had some styling issues (putting the button flush with the bottom of the bar instead of vertically centered) and it, but fortunately I know CSS and was able to fix the issues in the generated code.

So far, my solution works, but I would love to see Interact bring their announcement bar up to the level of the rest of their service. Perhaps they assume that larger companies will already subscribe to a hello bar option?


I’m super impressed with Interact so far, and it has great potential to help businesses grow!

As I just created my first quiz with Interact, I don’t have results to share yet! Look out for an update to this post, or (more likely) a link to a follow-up post after I’ve used Interact for a few months!

I do have one positive story already though – the day after I finished the quiz, a potential client was unsure if she needed a Pinterest manager. I sent her to this quiz, and her result was Yes! Her business could benefit from a Pinterest manager. We have a call scheduled next week!

Try Interact out yourself, and I’d love to hear about your results with the platform!

Want to hire me as a Pinterest Designer and Manager to help you get more traffic, leads, and income for your blog or business? Check out this page to see what I can do to help you grow!