Bucketlist Bombshells Tribe
I discovered Bucketlist Bombshells via the Facebook group Girls Love Travel, and I soon found out Cassie and Shay (BB’s founders) had a Facebook group of their own – Bucketlist Bombshells Tribe (formerly Globetrotting Girl Bosses). I joined in late March 2017 to find out more about BB’s Skills courses and to connect with likeminded women who wanted to travel the world and work remotely.
BB Tribe was very welcoming and has a go-get-em-girl vibe. I do feel a bit older than many of the members, since the courses are aimed at millennials, especially those just out of college or a few years into their careers. While I’m a millennial as well, I’ve been working for more than a decade at various jobs. It could also be that I am more used to Skillcrush’s demographic, which is more 30s and 40s.
The group is quite active on Facebook, and there are topical threads for different days of the week, goal sharing posts at the end of the month, and book discussions. Many people are very new the whole travel thing and to freelancing, but it brings a freshness and idealism to Facebook that many more established groups lack. Everyone is very encouraging, and I haven’t seen any backlash or shaming. The newness does mean that sometimes more complicated questions go unanswered, something that will be remedied as members’ skills grow. I do hope BB Tribe keeps the nurturing atmosphere as it matures!
(There are separate groups for those who have enrolled in the courses, so technical help pertaining to the actual lessons is available there.)
The best part of BB Tribe so far has been the live webinars. Cassie and Shay, as well as some course alums, have Facebook Live Q&As every few weeks, it seems. Speaking as someone who used to hate webinars and has now grown to enjoy a few, depending on the host, I was pleasantly surprised by how relatable Cassie and Shay were and the quality of content presented. They gave me a clear indication of what the courses would be like, and were the main reason I decided to sign up!
BB Tribe is free to join, so if you are female and want to travel the world, it is an awesome place to start your journey!

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