Bucketlist Bombshells: An Intro
I just started taking Bucketlist Bombshells’ Design Skills Course! While researching the course, I wasn’t able to find many reviews for it (since it is a newer course, that is to be expected). So I have decided to remedy that fact for other learners!
I’ll be walking you step-by-step through my experience with the Design Skills Course. I’ll be comparing and contrasting it to other courses I’ve taken (primarily Skillcrush‘s blueprints) and discussing its strengths, focus, and areas that need improvement. If this goes well, I’ll do the same with their Tech Skills Course, and maybe even their Work + Travel Course.
Since the Bucketlist Bombshells are all about helping you build digital skills that will allow you to work from anywhere in the world, I feel like they will be a great resource for those who want to Create Wherever! But this blog is all about helping you gain the freedom and confidence to build a passion-fueled life in any place you choose! So comment with your own thoughts, things you’d like to hear more about, topics you want me to address, and questions you have.
In addition, I’ll be sharing my own travel experiences, my journey toward location-independence, reviews of other digital courses and services, and vacation planning tips for fellow free-spirits on a budget!

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Hey Katie, did you write a post with a full review of the course? If not, what were your final opinions about the design course? Worth the time and money? Would really love to hear your thoughts!!
Curious if you ended up taking the course and wondering what you thought!? very few reviews out there
Are you in their free Facebook group, Bucketlist Bombshells Tribe? A lot of people ask about the courses in that group, and there are a ton of responses from women who have taken the course. Just do a search in there, and feel free to ask more specific follow up questions in the group yourself!
I’ve been planning to update and write additional reviews about the courses, but right now I’m too busy with clients, thanks to what I’ve learned!
Hello! This post is dated May of 2017. How was the course? Was is helpful and worth the cost? What was your knowledge level before taking the course?
Thank you!
Hey, Sara and Kristina! I went through the course (though I’m still finishing up a couple of the projects – which is why I haven’t posted about some of the modules yet). I feel it is definitely helpful and worth the money.
I was still at a beginner level when I took the course. I’d taken a Skillcrush blueprint on design (which was more about web design) and a college course (which was all design theory) before then. I was still pretty clueless about Adobe programs, especially Illustrator.
Lately, I’ve been focusing my time more on building my business. Since I work fulltime, I feel like I’m always having to compromise where I spend my time, and sadly, one of the things that has fallen by the wayside is this blog. I do have lots more I want to share, so I’m hoping to return to it soon!
Hey Katie! I know you were still taking the course in January but have you finished yet?