Pinterest Growth Toolbox: Software to Keep You Pinning

Pinterest Growth Toolbox: Software to Keep You Pinning

Hey there, social media aficionados! Are you ready to turbocharge your Pinterest presence? Well, buckle up because today we’re diving into a treasure trove of Pinterest growth tools designed to make your account thrive. And I’m not just talking about Pinterest’s in-built features. Nope, we’re venturing beyond the Pinterest realm to explore some fantastic third-party tools in three exciting categories: design, keyword-rich descriptions, and scheduling. Let’s roll up our sleeves and get pinning!


Design: The Visual Powerhouse

First up, design – the secret sauce that can make or break your Pinterest game. Now, the heavyweight champion of design tools is, drumroll please… Canva! Whether you’re crafting still pins or diving into the world of video pins, Canva is your go-to design studio. It’s versatile, user-friendly, and basically the Swiss Army knife for Pinterest creators.

But let’s talk about the workflow. You’ve got to upload your images to Canva, design your masterpiece, then download those pins, before finally uploading them to your chosen scheduling platform. Phew! That’s a lot of uploading and downloading, right? And while Canva does offer a scheduler, it’s kind of like that one exercise bike in the gym nobody uses. It’s there, but the other machines just offer a better workout for your content.

Now, if Canva’s not your cup of tea, or you just love to have options, there are plenty of other design contenders in the ring. We have the likes of Stencil for still images, PicMonkey, VistaCreate, and for the design black belts out there, the almighty Adobe Photoshop. Variety is the spice of life, and when it comes to pin design, it’s no different.

a wooden block that says seo on it

Keyword Rich Descriptions: The SEO Juggernaut

Moving on to the secret language of Pinterest – keywords. If you want your pins to whisper sweet nothings into the algorithm’s ear, you need to get cozy with keyword-rich descriptions. I’ve got a little gem for you: Pin Inspector. This nifty tool is like having a direct line to Pinterest’s very own brain, helping you generate a killer keyword list for your clients or personal account.

But wait, there’s more! Ever thought about enlisting an AI sidekick? Enter ChatGPT, your friendly AI assistant that can whip up pin descriptions faster than you can say “Pinterest perfection.” Just feed it your keywords and content, and voilà – you’ve got descriptions that will make your pins pop. Speaking of voilà, there’s also, well, Voilà, another tool that can digest your blog posts and turn them into irresistible descriptions. It’s like having your very own content chef!

Scheduling: The Time-Traveling Wizard

Last but not least, let’s talk about scheduling – the magical art of being everywhere at once without breaking a sweat. The grandmaster of scheduling is none other than Tailwind. It’s been around the block, knows all the tricks, and is still one of the best tools for getting your pins out there when it counts. Plus, Tailwind Create is like having a little elf that whips up images using their fancy templates – super handy if you’re not in the mood to tango with Canva.

If you’re after something a bit more streamlined, cast your eyes on Pin Generator. It might not have all the bells and whistles of Canva, but it’s a quick draw when it comes to churning out templated designs and has some decent scheduling chops to boot. With both Tailwind and Pin Generator, you just set your times, fill your queue with pins, and let them work their magic. And while Canva might let you schedule a tango or two, and Pinterest itself offers a one-month advance booking, these standalone schedulers will let you plan your pinning strategy like a pro.

So there you have it, my fellow pinners! These are the Pinterest growth tools I wield every day to help my clients – and my own account – conquer the Pinterest universe. Remember, with the right tools in your arsenal, you’re not just pinning; you’re crafting a visual symphony. Now go out there and create some Pinterest magic!

Pinterest Automation: A Balancing Act Between Speed and Creativity

Pinterest Automation: A Balancing Act Between Speed and Creativity

Hey there, pinners and aspiring content marketing moguls! If you’re like me, you’re always on the hunt for ways to streamline your online presence and give yourself that extra edge. And when it comes to Pinterest – that visual wonderland of inspiration and aspiration – we all want to know: can we automate our way to pinning success? Let’s dive into a world where bots meet boards and discover how to strike the perfect balance.

person using laptop

The Automation Temptation

Okay, let’s cut to the chase. Can you automate aspects of your Pinterest management? Absolutely! In this digital age, there’s a tool or a bot for almost everything. Want to schedule your pins? There’s an app for that. Dream of recycling your content while you sleep? There’s a tool for that, too. The allure of automation is strong – who wouldn’t want to save time and sidestep the tedious bits?

But hold your horses. Before you go on an automation-adding spree, there’s a little secret you should know. Pinterest, that finicky friend, has a soft spot for the new and the novel. Fresh pins, fresh designs, fresh descriptions, fresh URLs – these are the ingredients for Pinterest’s algorithmic affection. So if you’re just regurgitating the same old content, you might end up in Pinterest purgatory, and trust me, there’s not as much traffic there!

The Freshness Factor

Now, I’m not saying automation is the villain in our story. It’s more like that friend who means well but sometimes doesn’t know their own strength. Many automation tools will gladly repeat your pins, descriptions, and URLs until the cows come home. But here’s the kicker: while you’re getting your content out there, which is great, you might also be shooting yourself in the foot.

Let’s get real – Pinterest is like that cool, artsy friend who only wants to see your latest creations, not last season’s reruns. So if you’re automating to the point where you’re just churning out carbon copies, you might find your account getting the cold shoulder from the algorithm. And that’s a surefire way to watch your digital dreams deflate faster than a poorly made soufflé.

The Human Touch

So what’s a savvy pinner to do? You’ve got a life to live and can’t be chained to your computer crafting the perfect pin. Here’s where a pinch of wisdom comes in: sometimes, it pays to pass the pin. Hiring a Pinterest manager might just be the secret sauce your strategy needs.

Imagine a world where someone else is creating those eye-catching pins, conjuring up irresistible descriptions, and making sure your content is as fresh as a daisy. It’s like having a personal chef for your Pinterest account – someone to keep the algorithm swooning over your latest and greatest, while you focus on the big picture. Sure, it’s an investment, but consider it a down payment on your digital domination.

At the end of the day, automation in moderation is the name of the game. Use those tools wisely, sprinkle in some human creativity, and you’ll have a Pinterest presence that’s not just active, but actually attracts attention. And isn’t that what we’re all pinning for?

So there you have it, folks. Automation on Pinterest is a bit like adding chili to your chocolate – it can be brilliant when done right, but overdo it, and you’ll be left with a burnt-out taste. Keep it fresh, keep it creative, and when in doubt, let a human take the wheel. Happy pinning!

Hire Katie Hart as a Pinterest manager