I'm glad you're here!

This is a place for aspiring and current digital nomads to find resources, encouragement, and helpful tips toward creating the lifestyle of their dreams!

BB Design Skills Course: Module 3

BB Design Skills Course: Module 3

I am enjoying BB's Design Skills Course more and more every module! This one is all about creative briefs and mood boards. If you've ever wondered how designers go from getting hired to figuring out what their clients really want in a design, this gives you an inside...

Digital Nomad Obstacles

Digital Nomad Obstacles

It's really easy to get discouraged when you are pursuing a dream - especially when you don't have a clear picture of what that dream is and what steps you need to take to reach it. I have loved the idea of moving to Europe and/or becoming a digital nomad with...

BB Design Skills Course: Module 2

BB Design Skills Course: Module 2

This module of the Bucketlist Bombshells' Design Skills Course introduces students to Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop. I was very much looking forward to this module, and it did not disappoint! Like the previous module, this one consisted of three videos...

BB Design Skills Course: Module 1

BB Design Skills Course: Module 1

This module of the Bucketlist Bombshells' Design Skills Course consists of 3 video lessons - Color, Typography, and Layout. The videos are 12-18 minutes long, so you end up with a good 45 minutes' worth of instruction. It is a very basic introduction to these...

Stockpiling Resources

Stockpiling Resources

I have a hoarding problem. During my past two moves, I got rid of SO MUCH STUFF. A friend took a van load to donate. My little brother made two trips. And I took bags and bags out to the garbage. And I still had around 75 boxes I moved to the new place - not counting...

Unreachable Dreams

Unreachable Dreams

It's been one of those days. A day where everything seems to go wrong, but not badly enough that you have excuse to hide away or rage at the world. A day filled with pointlessly doing and undoing and redoing. A day connected to so many inefficient systems that make...

BB Skills Course: Module 0

BB Skills Course: Module 0

It's a good thing my experience with their Facebook group was so positive, because my first lesson in Bucketlist Bombshells' Design Skills course was plagued with technical difficulties. I think I hate Asana now, and I've definitely learned what not to do when...

Bucketlist Bombshells Tribe

Bucketlist Bombshells Tribe

I discovered Bucketlist Bombshells via the Facebook group Girls Love Travel, and I soon found out Cassie and Shay (BB's founders) had a Facebook group of their own - Bucketlist Bombshells Tribe (formerly Globetrotting Girl Bosses). I joined in late March 2017 to find...

Bucketlist Bombshells: An Intro

Bucketlist Bombshells: An Intro

I just started taking Bucketlist Bombshells' Design Skills Course! While researching the course, I wasn't able to find many reviews for it (since it is a newer course, that is to be expected). So I have decided to remedy that fact for other learners! I'll be walking...

New York City and a Smartphone

New York City and a Smartphone

That's how my travel journey began - with NYC and a Samsung phone that had seen better days. Growing up, I had always wanted to travel. It seemed so romantic and glamorous, and I longed to visit the places that hosted so many stories I loved. But it...