What if people couldn’t wait to join your email list?

There’s a simple way to get visitors to your site excited and ready to engage with your content – invite them to take a quiz!

Are you a morning or a night person? What’s your favorite animal? Do you prefer books or movies?

When you ask someone a question, people feel compelled to respond. Quizzes harness that impulse and let you effortlessly capture emails from visitors who have already engaged with you (during the quiz itself!) for several minutes. They’re invested.

And there’s a reason many quizzes have a question as the title – people want to know the answer to “What Obscure Animal Are You?” or whatever quiz you dream up.

However, unless you’re trying to weed out shapeshifters, an animal question like that isn’t going to help your business. You need a quiz that:

  1. Your ideal clients relate to
  2. Helps you learn something new about your audience members
  3. Segments your audience in practical ways so you can help them
  4. Lets you be specific in the future so your audience will think you’ve read their minds!
  5. Helps you narrow down product and service ideas (do your clients need a newbie course or something more advanced?)
  6. Is actually fun and easy to take
  7. All of the above!

Overwhelmed? Don’t be! I live for this sort of stuff. I’ve been taking and analyzing quizzes since I first got online (yes, I’m older than the internet, at least the world wide web version). I also have studied personality types (including Myers-Briggs and the Enneagram) for nearly 2 decades, born from my love of creating characters for my novels. Add in some business savvy, and plenty of listening to other business owners and their ideal clients, and I’m ideally suited to build an irresistible quiz for your business!

Ready to get started? Click the button below, or keep scrolling for more details!

I decided to create a quiz months ago, signed up for the software, and only then realised how much strategy and backend work is involved. The project stalled. I procrastinated. When I found out about Katie’s service I hired her right away – and 2 weeks later, my quiz was ready to go live! It’s fun, it relates to my brand, and my email list is growing!! Katie knows what she’s doing and is my go to person for Pinterest and quizzes! Highly recommended.

Susi Kaeufer

Mindset Coach and Visibility Strategist, Dreamlife Deluxe

Quiz Creation Package

I’ll build your quiz while you focus on the rest of the funnel, and you can reach out to me for help anytime via Voxer.

Flash Sale Quiz Creation

Quiz Brainstorming Session(s) – up to 3 calls of up to 90 minutes total – use it all at the beginning or hop on a call throughout the project

Writing 2-6 Quiz Results with Longer Descriptions (150-200 words, suitable for landing pages)

Creating 15 Questions with Answers (pick and choose your favorites)

Client Review and Question/Answer Editing as needed

Add Your Brand Colors and Fonts (if available) to Quiz

Support for Email and Website Integrations

Minor Quiz Edits (during first month quiz is live)

Branching Logic for Quiz Questions if desired

Customize Quiz Look and Feel for Seamless Embedding on Your Website

One Month of Voxer Access for Questions and Updates

Flash Sale Quiz Creation Package


Hi! I’m Katie Hart, and I’ve loved quizzes as long as I can remember! I’ll admit there were more than a few quiz results posted on my MySpace page 15 years ago, and I was fascinated by the structure behind them. In addition to quiz strategy, I bring nearly two decades’ worth of personality study (Myers-Briggs, Enneagram, and more) to help you get to know potential clients and customers at a deeper level through your quiz. Let me show you how I can amplify your business using quizzes!

My passions include travel, history, and all things geeky! I thrive on research and design and I love helping businesses grow by customizing their funnel strategy and building irresistable quizzes that their audience can’t help but share!

Prefer email? Contact me here!