Quiz Creation Case Study - Kara Latta

Welcome to this latest exploration of interactive content and how it can transform your business! I’m Katie Hart, quiz creation specialist and Pinterest manager. Today, we’re diving into a case study featuring Kara Latta of The Playful Warrior and her journey towards a quiz that not only engaged her audience but also significantly boosted her lead generation efforts. So, grab a cup of your favorite beverage, and let’s explore this story together!


The Client’s Vision

In spring 2023, play coach Kara Latta of The Playful Warrior, reached out to me, wanting a quiz that would embody the fun, joyful spirit of her business. Through our exchange of emails, I could clearly see Kara’s enthusiasm for the project and her business. We decided to delay the start of the project slightly to better fit Kara’s schedule, so I sent over the contract for her to sign and she paid half upfront and half upon commencement.

In preparation for our initial call, I immersed myself in the world of The Playful Warrior, exploring the materials Kara shared to gain a deep understanding of her business ethos. With this knowledge in hand, I was ready to craft the perfect quiz for her audience.

Kara Latta

Brainstorming Brilliance

Our brainstorming call was a melting pot of creativity and strategic thinking. Kara’s vision was to craft a personality-style quiz that was not only fun and exciting but also resonated with her mission: using play to combat perfectionism and nurture the inner child. I learned more about Kara as a person and could clearly see her heart for her business.

Together, we spun ideas into concepts, ultimately deciding to represent playful personalities through a menagerie of animals. We discussed a few of the options for these personalities, but due to time, Kara chose to have me present a list of possibilities once I’d done some additional research and brainstorming.

With the tech setup in mind, we chose to integrate with Kara’s current setup on Kajabi and build the quiz using Interact. This promised a seamless flow in the backend of Kara’s business.


Refining the Playful Personalities

Following our call, I delved deeper into developing these animal archetypes, ensuring they captured the unique play styles observed within Kara’s audience. I came up with 8 distinct options for Kara to choose from with detailed descriptions. After some discussion, we decided to combine a few of them and limit the total to six: the Movement Meerkat, the Drama Llama, the Curious Cheetah, the Outdoorsy Otter, the Kreative Koala, and the Silly Sloth.

As I considered the visuals for the quiz, I knew that stock photos of these animals would not match the playful vibe we wanted. Even cute artwork of the animals would not embody the specific playful personalities of each one, and Kara did not have the budget or time to commission custom art for this quiz.

With her permission, I tested out my newfound skills with AI to see if we could capture the look we wanted (as a special bonus for this project, at no cost to her). I sent her several different options of styles for the Kreative Koala, and she chose the one she felt best suited the quiz.


Once we had the look, I created dozens of AI images for each of the six personalities. A big drawback of AI art is that body parts are easily messed up, so it would sometimes take many tries to get the animals to not look deformed. I tried several different prompts for each animal, suggesting different props to convey the architype. I shared the best images with Kara, and she chose which ones she wanted to use.

Her quiz package included social media images, so I also created text overlays and output designs in square, portrait, and landscape.

From Quiz to Tripwire

After the 6 personalities were finalized, the construction of the quiz began. I crafted a slew of questions – some lighthearted, others diving into the core themes of Kara’s message, such as connecting with the inner child and shedding the shackles of perfectionism. Sifting through the questions, we curated the best options to shorten the quiz while also accurately helping people find their own playful personality.


Next came the results page phase, where each personality type had their basic description expanded upon. I also complemented the results with a playful activity and journaling prompt for each type, to make the experience both engaging and insightful for quiz takers.

The results page that smoothly transitioned quiz-takers to one of Kara’s workshops – The Magic Within. Kara asked me to create the sales page for the workshop, purchasing the addon service so that the full results page with tripwire matched the quiz’s aesthetics and message, ensuring a cohesive journey from start to finish.


Quiz Launch

The launch of the quiz was nothing short of magical. Kara’s audience eagerly embraced their animal alter-egos, and the fun, insightful descriptions that came along with them. Check out some of the feedback we received:

Despite the initial success, we stayed vigilant, ready to optimize. One personality type was skewing the results due to tied outcomes; a swift adjustment in the quiz logic fixed this, balancing the distribution and enhancing accuracy.

Kara’s Feedback

Here are Kara’s thoughts about working with me in her own words:

Working with Katie was a fantastic experience – she definitely exceeded my expectations. Her attention to detail, thoroughness, and responsiveness truly set her apart. I felt I could trust her completely from the very beginning. Katie was always quick to respond and patiently answered all my questions, despite my being a complete newbie to the world of quizzes. Her depth of research and the options she presented were impressive. It was clear that she took the time to understand my brand and ideal client, resulting in a quiz that resonated deeply with my people and was also super fun!


Having this quiz helped me uplevel my business and brought in tons of new leads. And the best part? It’s evergreen! I love having this resource as a way to have continuous leads streaming in to my business.


I’m especially grateful I hired Katie to handle this project instead of trying to do it myself. The intricacies and moving pieces involved were more than I had initially anticipated, and I believe taking on such a task alone would have been overwhelming and the quiz itself wouldn’t have been half as good. Also as a solo business owner, I already have enough to do. Thanks to Katie, I could focus on tasks that are actually in my zone of genius, and I ended up with an incredible quiz I couldn’t be happier with.


Katie is an absolute pro, so if you’re thinking of working with her… RUN, don’t walk!


Today, The Playful Warrior‘s quiz stands as a testament to the power of engaging content. It continues to attract new leads, deepen audience connections, and reflect the joy and transformation that Kara’s brand represents.

As we wrap up this tale of creativity and collaboration, remember that your content can be more than just words on a screen – it can be an interactive adventure that leaves a lasting impression on your audience.

If you’d like to hire me to create a quiz for your business, infusing just as much of your personality and passion into it as I did with Kara’s quiz, click here to find out more and get started!

Keep playing, keep dreaming, and keep building those bridges to your audience’s hearts!


Helping you love your business even more,



Katie Hart